Business green hub Unpacking CSRD: A Guide for Business Bank of Ireland’s Sustainability team in conjunction with Davy Horizons hosted a webinar for ...
Agri Five steps to improving farm cashflow Farming is uncertain and often the best made plans can be impacted by unfavourable weather cond...
Sustainability guide: What you need to know in 2024 Bank of Ireland and our customers are increasingly focused on sustainability as both a risk and...
Funding incentives guide There are some significant grants and supports available to our customers and this guide....
Save Simple steps to improve sales and grow profits Running a business can be challenging but learning to experiment with different strategies can ...
Save Why You Need A Cash Reserve Having a cash reserve is one thing that many successful businesses have in common. Find out why...
Borrow How to calculate your breakeven point Knowing your breakeven point is important for setting goals for your business. Find out how to ...
Spend Avoiding common cashflow mistakes One of the most common reasons that small businesses fail is that they do not manage their cash...
Borrow Grow your business with smart borrowing Financing can be a good way to fund expansion plans when you do not have the necessary capital ...
Plan Identifying and managing business risk There will always be risks associated with running a business, knowing what they are and having...
Plan How to grow your revenue stream and increase sales Running a business can be challenging but it’s possible to increase your revenue stream and gro...
Plan Why diversification could be the right choice for your business Diversification can provide a path to fast growth as you develop new products and expand into n...
Plan How to spot opportunities and scale up your business To be successful you need to be constantly innovating and looking for opportunities to grow you...
Financial wellbeing USEFUL CALCULATORS, TOOLS AND FACTSHEETS M&A's, MBO's and Transfer of Business...