Business On Line Help and Support

Got a question? Visit our Help and Support centre and find the answer. Our dedicated support pages for Business On Line customers will help you get the most out of our service.


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  • How do I make a payment?

    To make a payment from the Dashboard go to the ‘QuickPay’ tab, the ‘Quick Actions’ section or the ‘Payments/Payees’ tab and choose ‘Make a Payment’.

    Note: You must first add and authorise the payee details. You can add a Payee from the Dashboard or under the ‘Payments/Payees’ tab – select Manage Payees and Payee groups.

    To Make a Payment:

    1. Select ‘Payments/Payees’ tab on the Dashboard and select ‘Make a Payment’.
    2. Select the account you wish to pay from . If you are making a payment to your own company accounts they will be listed for selection. Otherwise select ‘Known Payee’ tab and your payees will be displayed.
    3. Select the payee. The ‘Payment Details’ screen will appear. Choose the currency, payment type and sum you wish to send.
    4. Select ‘Save Payment Details’. You can then either ‘Authorise Payment’, ‘Save Payment’ or ‘Reset’. When selecting ‘Save Payment’ the Payment Reference number will appear, accompanied by the option to ‘Authorise Payment’.
    5. Once ‘Authorise Payment’ is selected, your Approve App will be required to authorise the payment.
    Note for International Payments: You may be presented with the options to select ‘Spot/Forward’ and/or ‘Intermediary Bank Details’. The ‘Spot/Forward’ allows you to input a pre-booked rate that you have arranged with a dealer. If you do not have a pre-booked rate the payment will debit your account at the rate applicable on the payment date. Selecting ‘Intermediary Bank Details’ allows you to input intermediary bank details supplied to you by your Payee.

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  • How do I edit, authorise or cancel a payment?

    To view/ edit a payment

    1. To find a payment that has been paid or is pending authorisation, select ‘Payments/Payees’ tab on the menu bar of the dashboard and select ‘Payments Centre’.
    2. To view your payment select Eye Icon beside the payment you wish to view.
    3. To edit your payment select the Plus Icon, make your changes and click ‘Save Payment Details’.

    To Authorise or Cancel a payment

    You can authorise payments from the dashboard or from the Payments Centre under the Payments/Payee tab.

    1. To authorise or cancel a payment, tick the check box next to the payment(s).
    2. Select ‘Authorise’ or ‘Cancel’. Your Approve App will then be required to authorise or cancel the payment.
    Important: the facility to cancel a payment is only available for some payment types. If you cannot cancel your payment on Business On Line please contact the helpdesk who may be able to assist you with your request.

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  • How do I create/delete a Payee?

    To Create a Payee

    Log on to Business On Line as the ‘User’

    1. Select ‘Payments/Payee’ tab from the Dashboard.
    2. Select ‘Manage Payee and Payee Groups’ from the dropdown menu.
    3. You will be presented with a list of your Payees.
    4. To authenticate one saved Payee, select the Authorise button for the payee. Your Approve App will then be required to authorise the Payee.
    5. To authorise more than one saved Payee, tick the checkboxes next to the Payees, select the orange ‘AUTHORISE SELECTED’ button at the bottom of the screen. Your Approve App will then be required to authorise the Payees.
    6. Your Payee/Payees are now set up on Business On Line.

    To Delete a Payee

    1. Select ‘Payments/Payees’ tab on the dashboard and select ‘Manage Payees and Payee Groups’.
    2. To delete a payee tick the box to the left of the payee.
    3. You will be prompted with the ‘Delete Selected’ button at the bottom left of your screen.
    4. Click on the ‘Delete Selected’ button and you will be presented with a message ‘Are you sure you want to delete the selected payees?’
    5. Select ‘Yes’ to delete your payee.

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  • How do I know my cut off time?

    To view our payment cut-off times click here.

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  • What is a bulk file?

    A Bulk File is an electronic domestic based value payments system. It is a secure and reliable alternative to paper-based payments, is extremely cost efficient and supports all file types for EFT (Republic of Ireland) and BACs (United Kingdom).

    Bulk Files can be used to pay staff (Direct Pay) or creditors (Direct Credit).

    Bulk File delivers payment to recipient’s account directly. It operates with a simultaneous debit and credit so that you do not experience any loss of float (funds are debited from your account at the same time that credit is applied to payee(s).

    The benefits of Bulk File include:

    • It is quicker to process and is cheaper than standard payments
    • It ensures funds are received by all payees on the same date ( all staff receive salary on the same day regardless of which financial institution they bank with).
    • You can create or import a bulk payment in Business On Line.

    To learn more about Bulk Payments, go to our lessons in the Training Portal here.

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  • How do I make a bulk payment?
    1. Select ‘Payments/Payees’ on the Dashboard. Select ‘Make a Bulk Payment’. If you do not have the access you must contact your Administrator.
    2. Select Instruction Type e.g. Direct Credit or Direct Pay.
    3. Select ‘Payment Group.’This displays the EFT ID and the payees assigned to the group.
    4. Select ‘Pay from Account’. This will display the accounts assigned to the EFT ID selected.
    5. Enter the Amount and Payment Reference applicable for each payee - payment total will accumulate at the bottom of the screen as the amounts are entered.
    6. Click on the ‘Continue’ button to move to the ‘File Details’ section.
    7. Enter in the ‘Processing Date’ of the file – you can select the date by clicking on the calendar icon. When the processing date is selected the ‘Payment Date’ will automatically populate.
    8. Click the ‘Continue’ button to move to the ‘Confirm’ section or the ‘Reset’ button to reset the processing date entered.
    9. To authorise your payment select the ‘Authorise File’ button.

    To save your file for authorisation at a later stage, select ‘Save File’. To reset the payment details, select ‘Reset’.

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  • How do I resolve issues when authorising my payment?

    Click here for Approve Support

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  • How do I import a payment file?
    1. Select ‘Payments/Payees’ on the dashboard and select ‘Make a Bulk Payment. If you do not have access to this you must contact your Administrator.
    2. Select ‘Import Bulk Payment’
    3. To test your file format prior to processing, select the ’TEST’ option.
    4. To process your file, select ‘LIVE’.
    5. Select the EFT File ID from the File ID drop down list.
    6. Enter in the File Total amount in the File Total field.
    7. Click on the ‘Browse’ button to select the file location on your pc.
    8. Enter an email address in the ‘Get an email Alert’ field to receive confirmation that your file has been received.
    9. Click on ‘Continue’ button to continue to the File details section or the ‘Reset’ button to reset the File ID, File Total, Location or email address entered.
    10. Enter in the ‘Processing Date’ of the file – you can select date by clicking on the calendar icon. When the processing date is selected the ‘Payment Date’ will automatically populate.
    11. Click on the ‘Continue’ button to move to the Confirm section or the ‘Reset’ button to reset the processing date entered.
    12. To authorise your payment select ‘Authorise File’ button. To reset the file details select ‘Reset File’

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  • I have a multi-company profile on Business On Line. How do I ensure the name of the account being debited is visible to the recipient?

    When in the ‘Payment details’ section you will see a ‘payment message’ box. Here you can enter the payer name and address details of the company making the payment, if it is different from the parent listed on Business On Line. The recipient will then get these additional details when they receive the payment. Alternatively, you may wish to speak with us about setting up new individual profiles for any or all of the companies / entities currently included in the multi-company profile.

    Contact details for the Business On Line Helpdesk can be found at the link below.

    Business On Line Helpdesk contact details

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  • How do I check the status of my payment?
    1. Select ‘Payments/Payees’ on the Dashboard and select ‘Payments Centre’. All payments awaiting authorisation will be available on the page.
    2. If your payment has been authorised select ‘Advance search’. You can search by Reference number, Status, Date, Currency, Amount, Account Number, Payers reference and EFT/BACS ID.
    3. Each type of Payment status is listed below:
    Status Explanation
    Authorise Payment awaits authorisation.
    Pending Authorisation Payment that have passed their Value date still need to be authorised.
    Payment Pending Retry Applies to a future dated payment. If sufficient cleared funds are not available on the first attempt the system will attempt to debit the account two more times throughout the day.If third attempt is unsuccessful payment will be refused.
    Payment Pending Future dated payment has been authorised and is awaiting its Value/Payment date.
    Payment Refused Check Payment Refused Diary message for further details.
    Payment Cancelled An Authoriser has cancelled the Payment.
    Paid Payment has gone through the system successfully.
    Payment Processed This indicates that an International payment/XBP/SEPA/SDMT/CHAPS payment has been processed.

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  • How do I investigate my Payment if it has not been received?

    There could be a number of reasons why your Payee has not received payment.

    1. Check the status of your payment. For assistance click here.
    2. Check the payments ‘Value Date’ on Business On Line to confirm it was entered correctly.
    3. Check that the Payee account details on Business On Line match the current details for your Payee. Contact your Payee by phone to confirm the details entered are correct.
    4. Check recent transactions on your account to see if any payments have been returned to you. Please note not all beneficiary banks will provide a reason for the return of payments.
    5. If you have confirmed all of the above is in order, please contact Business On Line via to request proof trace of your payment.
    6. To request a proof/trace of your payment please provide the following information when making the query: Type of request - Proof or Trace, your Business On Line Customer number, Payment instruction number, Value date, Amount, Status of your payment, confirmation that any charges can be debited from the sending account details of the payment and your contact details.
    Important: Payment investigations usually carry a time frame of 5-10 working days. Bank charges may apply and proof of payments are sent encrypted to protect account information.

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  • How do I know what charges apply to my payment?

    Please see the links below to our schedule of Fees & Charges:

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  • How do I view or print a report?

    To View or Print a Balance and Transaction Report

    1. Select the eye icon to the right of the account you wish to view transaction report for.
    2. A list of the most recent transactions on this account will appear.
    3. Select the ‘Report’ button.
    4. You will be invited to ‘View Report’ or ‘Download PDF’.
    5. To view the report in HTML select ‘View Report’
    6. To print your report you must select ‘Download to PDF’ for the option to print.
    7. Filter your Transaction report by populating the date ‘From and To’, ‘Transactions’ and ‘Amount’ fields and click on Filter.

    To View or Print a Multi Account Balance report

    1. Select ‘Accounts’ tab on the Dashboard and you will be presented with a list of your accounts available on Business On Line.
    2. Select the ‘Report’ button.
    3. You are will be invited to ‘View Report’ or ‘Download PDF’.
    4. To view the report in HTML select ‘View Report’.
    5. To print your report you must select ‘Download to PDF’ for the option to print.

    To View or Print a Payment History Report

    1. Select the ‘ Payments/Payee’ tab from the Dashboard and select ‘Payments Centre’.
    2. You will be presented with a list of your most recent payments.
    3. Select the ‘Report’ button.
    4. Select ‘Payment History Report’. A pop up box will invite you to select date range by ‘Value date’ or ‘Created date’.
    5. Click on the ‘List’ button. A list of payments for you to select will appear.
    6. To select your payments tick the tick box to the left of each payment.
    7. Select ‘Download PDF’ or ‘View Report’ buttons to the bottom right of the screen.
    8. To view the report in HTML select ‘View Report’.
    9. To print your report you must select ‘Download to PDF’ for the option to print.

    To View or Print an EFT/BAC (Bulk Payments) detail Report:

    1. Select the ‘Payments/Payee’ tab from the Dashboard and select ‘Payments Centre’.
    2. You will be presented with a list of your most recent payments.
    3. Select the ‘Report’ button.
    4. Select ‘EFT/BACs Detail Report’ and you will be presented with a pop up box with the option to enter in the Instruction Number of your Bulk Payment.
    5. To view the report in HTML select ‘View HTML’.
    6. To print your report you must select ‘Download to PDF’ for the option to print.

    To View or Print EFT/BAC (Bulk Payments) Summary Report

    1. Select the ‘Payments/Payee’ tab from the Dashboard and select ‘Payments Centre’.
    2. You will be presented with a list of your most recent payments.
    3. Select the ‘Report’ button.
    4. Select ‘EFT/BACs Summary Report’ and you will be presented with a pop- up box with the option to select a date range for your Bulk Payments.
    5. To view the report in HTML select ‘View HTML’.
    6. To print your report you must select ’Download to PDF’ for the option to print.

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  • International Payment Advice Information

    If you are a Business Online customer you can view information relating to International Payments by logging on to Business Online and viewing your transactions.

    You can also request a copy of an International Payment Advice by post by completing an International Payment Advice request form

    An International Payment Advice provides key transaction details relating to the following international payment types:

    • Foreign currency payments (for example: paying US Dollars to the USA or Sterling to the UK).
    • Euro payments to non EU/EEA countries (for example: paying euro to China).
    • Urgent euro payments within the EU/EEA.

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  • Payments to United Arab Emirates: Purpose Of Payment Codes

    When making a payment to the United Arab Emirates on Business On Line, please ensure to include the Full beneficiary name, address and IBAN in the appropriate fields when creating a payee.

    Also please ensure the Payment message field when creating a payment contains the following:

    This information is needed to ensure the timely and successful processing of these payments. If this information is not included, the payment could be rejected.

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  • Where can I see all the service providers I’ve given consent to?

    Business customers can now use Business On Line to see the various consents that they’ve given to other service providers, and remove access if they wish. Both current and historic consents (if any) are displayed.

    Go to Admin, then tap Open banking connections. Under Connected accounts, you can see the service providers who have your permission to see your account info. Any service providers listed under Confirmation of funds have your permission to know whether you have enough funds to cover a transaction.

    More info:

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