SEPA, the Single Euro Payments Area, is European-driven regulation which aims to create one single, integrated and standardised payments market

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  • Latest Updates – SEPA Rulebook 2023

    Important Note: SEPA Rulebook Changes have been rescheduled and are now due to take effect in March 2024.


    Overview of change – Bulk File Submitters

    The SEPA Rulebook changes will be operational as of 17 March 2024. The changes will see the implementation of the 2019 version of the ISO20022 XSDs. These changes are not mandatory at this time.

    Bulk file submitters can:

    • Continue to submit the existing PAIN.001 (CT) and PAIN.008 (DD) file versions, with no impact to current processes
    • OR

    • Choose to submit the new version PAIN.001 and PAIN.008 file versions, which include some new and renamed tags.

    If you continue to submit the existing file formats

    There will be no impact to the processes you currently have in place if you continue to submit either of the existing PAIN.001.001.03 or PAIN.008.001.02 file versions. Your files must continue to adhere to the existing file XSD specifications, and you will continue to receive the existing PAIN.002.001.03 report. Customers should ensure that for any addresses in a PAIN.008 file, both ‘Address Line’ and ‘Country Code’ tags are to be provided.”

    If you choose to submit the new file formats

    If you choose to submit the new PAIN.001.001.09 or PAIN.008.001.08 file formats, you must ensure that the files adhere to the new file XSD specifications. You will also receive the new version PAIN.002.001.10 report for any r-messages associated with these files.

    File Specification and XSDs

    All existing and new file specifications and XSDs are listed in their respective ‘Forms & Checklists’ section.

    No changes to payment channels

    There are no changes to the file submission and authorisation channels, File Gateway and Payments Plus. The steps to submit a new version CT or DD file, and the file name requirements, are the same as the steps and requirements for the existing file formats.

    Remember to familiarise yourself with the new file formats

    Whether you choose to use the new version file formats or not, we strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with the new file versions and the new/renamed tags, as some of these changes will become mandatory in future SEPA Rulebook changes in November 2025.


    What’s different in the new version?

    The new file formats will see the addition of new tags and the renaming of some existing tags. See below for more details.

    New Tags: Structured address

    The majority of the newly introduced tags are related to the introduction of Structured Address. Thirteen new tags will be available for both debtor and creditor addresses. When using the structured address, bulk file submitters must ensure that, at a minimum, ‘Town Name’ and ‘Country Code’ tags are used. Where the new structured address tags are being used, submitters cannot use any other unstructured address Line tags, other than ‘Country’.

    Please review the SEPA Direct Debit or Credit Transfer Customer Guides for more information.

    New Tags: LEI (Legal Entity Identifier)

    The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is a 20 character alpha-numeric code used to uniquely identify parties to financial transactions worldwide. It has been implemented to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data reporting systems for better transparency and risk management. This is an optional tag.

    New Tags: Proxy (applicable to Credit Transfer file submitters only)

    The Proxy tag will allow bulk file submitters to provide an additional identifier, such as a mobile phone number or email. IBAN will continue to be the primary identifier for transactions. This is an optional tag.

    New Tags: Date (applicable to Credit Transfer file submitters only)

    The existing ‘ReqdExctnDt’ tag will now have a child tag, ‘Dt’, where the requested execution date data must be entered. There will be no change to the format of the date provided.

    Renamed Tags:

    • ‘BIC’ tags will be renamed ‘BICFI’.
    • ‘BICorBEI’ tags will be renamed ‘AnyBIC’.

    The renaming of the above tags will be relevant across both CT and DD file Types.

    File Specification/Format Legend


    Classification File specification version XSD adherence PAIN.002 version
    Existing PAIN.008.001.02 PAIN.008.001.02.BOI.xsd PAIN.002.001.03
    Existing PAIN.001.001.03 PAIN.001.001.03.BOI.xsd PAIN.002.001.03
    Classification File specification version XSD adherence PAIN.002 version
    New PAIN.008.001.08 PAIN.008.001.08.BOI.xsd PAIN.002.001.10
    New PAIN.001.001.09 PAIN.001.001.09.BOI.xsd PAIN.002.001.10


    We recommend that Bulk File submitters check with their IT Department/Software providers with regards to the changes out above. For further information submitters should contact our Business On Line Customer Helpdesk by emailing or calling 0818 818 265 (9am to 5pm, Monday – Friday).

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