We are committed to assisting you in the event that you find yourself experiencing financial difficulties. We recognize that not all circumstances are the same and we will seek to find the best solution in partnership with you. To assist us in providing this support it is critical that you fully engage with Bank of Ireland so that we can jointly discuss and address the situation. The earlier that contact is established, the quicker a potential solution can be discussed and agreed.
In accordance with our obligations under the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Act 2013 (Section 48) (Lending to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) Regulations 2015 (“the “SME Regulations”), we have an Information Booklet on Lending to Small and Medium Enterprises available below.
What is SCARP? The Small Company Administrative Rescue Process (“SCARP”) has been introduced to provide a quicker and more affordable restructuring option to small and micro businesses in Ireland, who are facing insolvency.
Please find attached, contact details and information requirements for all applications for our customers under SCARP legislation.