Each User is assigned permissions according to the Bank of Ireland FXPay Annex (ROI) or Application form (BOIUK) completed.
Bank of Ireland FXPay Permissions Explained
All users have the basic ability to:
- View Deals.
- Add Payment Details.
- Add Payee Details.
Optional User Permissions:
FX Dealing:
You can grant Users permission to book FX deals on the system
- Spot - A deal booked to make a payment within the next two days.
- Forward - A deal booked to make a payment in more than two days’ time.
Making Payments:
- Limited Authorisation - This grants the User permission to authorise payments added by other people in the company. They cannot authorise payments they have added.
- Full Authorisation - This grants the User permission to authorise payments added by everyone, including their own. This is the highest level of payments permission.
Adding/Amending Payees:
- Limited Authorisation - This grants the User permission to only authorise payee details added by other people in the company. They cannot authorise payments they have added.
- Full Authorisation - This grants the User permission to authorise payee details added by everyone, including their own, on the system. This is the highest level of payee permissions.
System Administrator:
The Administrator permissions allow the User to enable/disable every other user from the system instantly, if the need be. It also grants the User access to view the permissions of every other User in the company on Bank of Ireland FXPay.
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