File ID:
This is your company’s identification of a PAIN.008 file. This File ID corresponds to the Message Identification tag, the unique ID number on the group header of a PAIN008 file assigned by you, the sending party. It can be alphanumeric and up to 35 characters. A file contains all the transactions you wish to submit and any one time. This file can be submitted up to 30 calendar days in advance. This File ID must adhere to Business On Line File Gateway naming conventions. Please see the Business On Line File Gateway Guide for more detail on file naming conventions.
Batch ID:
This is your company’s identification of a PAIN.008 batch within a file. The Batch ID is the Payment Information Identification tag, a unique identification ID per batch, assigned by you, the sending party, to identify the Batch information group within the message. It can be alphanumeric and up to 35 characters. You may group these transactions into batches based on Creditor IBAN, Settlement date and/or the Sequence type.
In this way you may submit a file containing batches to be processed in different ways and on different value dates.